“Every wedding DJ needs a liturgy” – said no one, ever. Which is too bad, because after more than 10 years of DJing weddings in Chicago, we’ve realized there are a few things you need to remember if you want to DJ well.

And what better way to remember things than with a little poetry?

I cooked up the mantra below for just that reason. It’s got one job, and one job only: It helps us remember that your wedding doesn’t happen in a day. The best Chicago DJs spend a month preparing for your big event – from the time you first submit your plans and requests through our online system, to the day you personally review your DJ’s final agenda together, to the time spent purchasing and testing extra music, building playlists and confirming details with your venue and other wedding vendors.

Oh yeah: And then your DJ does the wedding day.

Proper preparation is the difference between a professional DJ and a lousy one, so to make sure we remain obsessed with prep we pull the poem below out every now and then and literally read this thing together.

Is it corny? Oh my, yes. That’s why it works. 


A Wedding is a One-Month Ride

Read the first verse before DJ meetings or at other major gatherings. Additional verses may be incorporated for more formal occasions.

A wedding is a one-month ride:
Each email, call and MC Guide
Is my performance for the bride.
A wedding is a one-month ride.

A wedding is a 4-week gig.
I use 4 tools to make it big:
Email. Agenda. Meeting. Rig.
A wedding is a 4-week gig.

A wedding wants a month of work,
Til each request and family quirk
I can command like Captain Kirk.
A wedding wants a month of work.

No wedding only takes a day –
However perfectly I play,
The groom will hate me anyway
If I prepare for just a day.

The couple must believe I care;
They want to bond and scheme and share.
(They’re spending hours just on hair!)
The couple must believe I care.

It takes a month to earn their trust,
So fast responses are a must –
Lest at the wedding I be cussed.
It takes a month to earn their trust.

And now you see the truth of it:
What makes a wedding day a hit
Is 4 weeks of relationship.
Ignore, and everything is shit.

A wedding is a one-month ride:
Each email, call and MC guide
Is my performance for the bride.
A wedding is a one-month ride.

The above can also be sung to the tune of Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’,” omitting the first 4 syllables of the final line of each verse.
